Green Policy


In recent years, global environmental awareness has gradually risen, and whether the products contain harmful substances, which cause harm to humans and the environment, has become an important issue. The EU has also established an international environmental standard (Rohs). All products from QEC that are sold to customers under this standard must be rigorously tested by an internationally recognized SGS certification unit., not only in accordance with their standard specifications, but also to additionally review the newly added substances of high concern in the EU to confirm that the products are not used.。

However, some products still use lead because of the irreplaceable relationship, but this is within the exemption clause approved by Rohs: [7 (a) lead in high temperature solder] and [7(c)- I Lead in glass.

At the same time, QEC does not use minerals from illegal organizations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries directly or indirectly, and cooperates with the EICC/GeSI Conflict Minerals Survey Form jointly produced by EICC and GeSI to regularly request the source documents of the survey.

Environmental Policy

Compliance with laws and regulations    

Focus on energy saving and carbon reduction

Focus on green policy